Sunday 8 September 2013

Market Research- UK Tribes.

The desired audience for my music video will be Indie music followers, a group which tends to be aged from 16-30, consisting of both males and females. This is the idea as people at the age of 16 and on wards have the time, curiosity and intrigue to explore new ideas and styles. Meanwhile by the age of 30 many such people will have lost the time and interest in new things, as they are more likely to have eventually settled on their preferences and will therefore intend to stick to these. As a result when story-boarding, styling, filming and editing my video, this age range/audience will have to be at the forefront of my thinking, with each decision I take being consciously influenced by my audience.

Although the video is essentially a Music Video, the target audience will have interests that will sway how much they like or dislike the video. The biggest of these interests is fashion, having my artists looking good, current and appealing to my audience is half the job to the video being a success.Even if they like the song, a poor video could turn the audience against the artist. Any line of interest that can further make the video appeal to my target audience will be followed, in order to make my video a success with its intended audience. Therefore the style of the music video will be current and suited to its target audience, which I feel is vital with the short attention spans and often fickle nature of young people.

Meanwhile I wholly intend to make the video authentic and natural looking (by using a rural location), meaning the viewers can easily relate to it. This is because I believe a superficial and surreal video will not be liked by the audience, as they can make no great relation to it and will feel distanced from the artist. This is something I do not want to do, as the viewers are the people who can really make the video a success.

The following print screens are from a website called. UK Tribes . The website collates and groups people by their lifestyle choices, such as shopping and TV habits and was essential during my audience research. The print screens below are of the groups I best feel suit my Indie Genre and helped me most to produce accurate and detailed audience research.


This tribe won’t be as attracted to my duo as other tribes will be, possibly because most of them tend to be over 20, taking out a good percentage of my target audience. However they are determined to produce original content, which is fresh, something I would like my artist to represent without a doubt. Additionally they are keen to work hard, an ethos my band reflects even when “living on a budget”.

Indie Scenesters
This group is impossible for me to ignore and has to be targeted, simply because they are “dedicated” to finding the newest music and will explore all avenues to get to it. This is essential with my artist being relatively unknown, so they will hope promote its Twitter and YouTube sites, raising my bands popularity. Moreover they aren’t as fickle as other tribes, they just want to find new music, enjoy it and then spread the word. Furthermore they want to champion new artists and not just follow a single genre. This is ideal for my duo, which could get lost in the Indie genre otherwise. Finally although fashion is not their main concern, they are certainly fitting my artist’s style, with skinny jeans, Converse and Vans on the menu.

Trendies fit my target audience, but not as much as Indie Scenesters. Nonetheless they are certainly getting younger, something which correlates with the lowering age of Indie artists such as my own. Meanwhile they are keen to tap into what’s hot just before it strikes the mainstream, something that is expected by my artist as they are part of the Indie Genre. This is also typical of this young age group whose tastes change regularly and quickly. Finally although for trendies fashion is their first love, this is to be expected from the audience I am targeting because people of a young age (especially teenagers) tend to look at things aesthetically and materialistically before anything else. It is something I will have to bear in mind when styling my artist.

1 comment:

  1. Full of information but you must make the link between your band and the prospective audience clear(er). The link between the groups from UK Tribes and your artist/type of music must be explained fully.
