Thursday 19 September 2013

Risk Assessment

1. Hazard: falls of men and equipment?

Answer: Yes
Severity: Medium
Likelihood: Medium
Persons at risk: all actors (2) and crew (1-2). All equipment.
Precautions: Minimise all risks that would cause people to fall and ensure all equipment is stable and secure whilst in use, such as tripods.

2. Hazard: Tempoary Structures

Answer: Yes
Severity: Medium
Likelihood: low
Persons at risk: all actors and crew (3-4). Tripod and Camera attached.
Precautions: Minimise any risk of the tripod and attached camera falling or being knocked off the table by making it secure and safe whilst in use.

3. Tripping Hazards

Answer: Yes
Severity: Medium
Likelihood: High
Persons at risk: all actors and crew (3-4). Lighting and cameras.
Precautions: Minimise all risks that would cause people to trip and cause them to fall on electrical wires from lighting (if used) and injure themselves or others, or damage to equipment, such as dropping/landing on cameras or clashing with lighting. This would be done by ensuring all equipment is stable and secure whilst in use and loose wires are taped/secured
to the floor with hazard tape so it can be noticed.

4. Veichles

Answer: No.

5. Special effects

Answer: No. 
6. Weapons

Answer: No.

7. Burns from lighting

Answer: Yes
Severity: Medium
Likelihood: Low
Persons at risk: all actors and crew (3-4). All equipment.Precautions: Minimise all risks that would cause people to recieve burns by eliminating sustained direct contact. 

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