Sunday 8 September 2013

Examples of other Texts

I like this video because of how Ellie is styled and the Mise En Scene around her fashion choices, in particular her hair. Also I think the location of the video is good and is definitely something that I wish to model my own video around. Finally I like the editing on the video, the way some of the shots have effects on them, adds to the videos authenticity, something I would like to achieve. Whilst the slow cuts make the video enjoyable to watch and not off putting or jerky.

The video itself I don't particularly like, because it is not authentic and I don't feel the song is one of Florence's best. However I like the location where it is shot, as it is similar to where I intend to film my own music video, whilst the slow cuts also make the video more enjoyable from a viewers perspective and corresponds with the speed/rhythm of the song.

This may be seen as an odd exemplar text as I wish to create a music video filmed in a rural location, the complete polar opposite to this Jake Bugg video- filmed in an urban built up area. However the principal is the same, we know it is an urban area because of the authenticity created through the mise en scene. I will need to transfer these ingredients and turn them to a rural location to suit my video and idea.

I like this video and chose it as an exemplar for a number of different reasons. First and foremost I like the track and the artist. Secondly I like the rural (ish) location it is filmed, something I have previously said I would definitely like to match and achieve in my own video. The final thing that I like is the camera work, it is done in a way that it looks very bad, but is in fact extremely effective. It makes the video appear very authentic and natural something I wish to adopt.

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