Sunday 6 October 2013

Andrew Goodwin's Theory of Music Videos

Andrew Goodwin received a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from the University of Birmingham. He has gone on to become the well-known author of a book on Music Television and cultural theory, entietled Dancing in the Distraction Factory. Music Television and Popular Culture, University of Minnesota Press. In addition he has published countless articles on media and cultural theory. His specific areas of interest include media aesthetics, critical theory and popular music. Furthermore Professor Goodwin serves on the Editorial Board of Popular Music & Society, is a Corresponding Editor for Media, Culture & Society and writes for Tricycle, Inquiring Mind, and Whilst he is currently writing a book about Led Zeppelin.

Analysing Music Videos

Andrew Goodwin identifies 5 key aspects of Music Videos, that we as the audience should look out for.

  • Through Beats Seeing the Sound
  • Narrative and performance
  • The Star Image
  • Relation of visuals to song
  • Technical aspects of music videos

Through Beats Seeing the Sound

First step- The speed and frequency of cuts within my music video correlates with the rhythm of the song/lyrics. During the lyrics the cuts tend to be quicker, whilst instrumental sections of the song, bring less frequent cuts.

Secondly- The somewhat unique style of Alex Trimbles voice meant I was able to put my own style on the video and not have to go for a certain style, that some voices may require.

Thirdly- Goodwin looks at the artists mode of address, something I have considered in my pre-production. Although it is far from a love song, the style and structure of the song, as well as the instrumental sections, make it feel to me like the coming together of two characters.

Narrative and performance

With the track I have selected the lyrics to me don’t  make sense, therefore I felt I had a bit more free reign with how my video could play out. It also meant it didn’t need to have a strong/structured narrative. My artist(s) will still be lip syncing so a fundamental element of a music video will still remain. This is important as this element has to be seen as believable and authentic.

The Star Image

This will be important within in my own music video, as the two artists (the male and female) are the only two people that feature in the video. Therefore all the focus will be upon them. As a result many close ups of these individuals feature, as well as many different shots. The element of varied shots, keeps the video interesting and not just predictable.

Relation of visuals to song

With the track I have selected the lyrics to me don’t  make sense, therefore I felt I had a bit more free reign with how my video could play out. As a result although my video essentially a performance video, the relation of the visuals shown to the song, will be somewhat amplification. As I have mentioned although not a love song, the lyrics to me represent people coming together and this is the relation of the visuals to the song in my video.

Technical Aspects of Music Video

The camera will be the main technical aspect of my music video. It will dictate everything else. 
Meanwhile the mise en scene I create will also be vital to making my music video both professional and authentic. For example an out of place prop could discredit the whole video.
Finally I have looked at the beat of the song and when lyrics come into play. As a result I feel my visuals reflect the song coherently in this way.

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