Wednesday 4 December 2013

EVALUATION 2. How Effective is the Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?

It is clear that the combination of my main product and ancillary texts was important to creating an identity for my artist and allowing the audience to easily make the link between the media products. I wanted to make this link strong and clear; however at the same time I had to be cautious as to not make the links so strong that repetition occurred between the products, subsequently making them uninteresting. Therefore I established that to avoid this conflict I would have to only use features in all my pieces that were essential to the branding of my artist.

I decided that one way to make the combination a success between the products would be to use the same font as on my ancillary pieces, within the introduction of my video. I felt that the repetition of a font would become memorable would establish an association in the audiences mind, that these different products are from the same source and it is only a difference in genre. Moreover I believe the powerful yet simple font makes an impact and rather than being remembered for being different, it could be remembered for being simple. Meanwhile in this introduction text on the video I maintained the same colour scheme (minus the red) I chose to do this as it then looked the same as the ancillary products such as the album cover. As a result the link between the digipak cover and an introduction to a music video, instantly shows the combination and relationship between the products.

Furthermore this continuation (with the text) also brought with it the minimalistic style I had implemented on my ancillary texts. Although unlike the digipak and advert my video is not as minimalistic as I thought this would be hard to create without becoming boring to view. Therefore matching with the booklet I have gone for a more conventional styled piece, with my video being a performance. I also believe if this had to been minimalistic then the audience would be getting annoyed at the lack of artist interaction and be deterred from such an artist. My video also takes part of the performance out of typical performance arena, an idea taken from one of the inspirations for my ancillary pieces (Arctic Monkeys), I felt this would appeal to the audience as I am using ideas of artists from the same genre. Therefore the combination of the pieces although different in their style would work here.

In addition I terms of mise en scene I attempted to keep certain aspects of my main product the same as my ancillary texts. Regarding clothing I wanted to keep it simple and plain, like the ancillary texts, whilst apart from the actual performance I didn’t want to much to detract from this (e.g. props) to try and keep minimalism to some extent. Meanwhile making the video too complicated as well as the constant change of location, would not register with my ancillary texts. This is because they are stripped back and not at all complex, so if I made my video completely different to this the whole ideology and sense of branding would be eliminated.

Overwhelmingly it is a simplicity I have tried to carry between my products to create my branding, although as I have explained maintaining this is not always possible and sometimes not necessary, such as with the video where minimalism would have been hard to achieve. I feel the difficulty of making a successful combination between the main product and ancillary texts is highlighted in my video. The quality of the main product is less than that of the ancillary texts, which certainly weakens the combination. It is fair to say a stronger combination could have been achieved by making all my pieces wholly conventional as opposed to introducing the minimalism. But then I would have not been meeting the demands on my indie genre and the young audience who want to see something different, as opposed to the same old conventional products.

Finally the use of the same young people (the band members) in the video and booklet makes clear the combination of products. This continuation means that someone who may have only seen one of the products will then make the association when they see another piece, or in fact take the imitative for themselves. The latter of these being a possibility because a young indie audience are renowned for doing their own research.

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