Monday 1 July 2013

CD Digipaks

Loud is the fifth studio album by Barbadian recording artist Rihanna, first released on November 12, 2010, by Def Jam Recordings

The use of the Digipak enables the image on the front of the case to be varied from the rest of the Digipak, such as having the larger image over 3 sections which is not only bigger but a different image. This gives the album a different dimension stylisticly and make the album more interesting than just a simple cover. It also means that the colour pallet and genre used can be continued further and greater enhanced upon the target audience, in order to create a strong impression.

With Teeth is the fourth studio album by American industrial rock act Nine Inch Nails, released on May 3, 2005, by Interscope Records.

I feel in this instance the Digipak has not been used as exstensively as with Rhianna's Loud album. Although the genre and dark mood is continued with the murky landscapde across the top three images and does emnhace the feeling, it doesn't offer much more. Only one image of the artist is featured so in terms of the artist not a great deal is offered to the audience. However the rock genre may suit this blurred image and distant feel, therefore although the actual digipak doesn't appeal to myself, fans of this particular genre are likely to enjoy the distant and mysterious mood created.

Tiger Suit is the third studio album by British singer-songwriter KT Tunstall which features more contemporary ingredients than her previous work.

This Digipak uses minimal colour to create a laid back feel, which is matched by the images used. Whilst the images also match the Digipaks colour pallet. The images are also varied offering more to the potential audiene in a visual sense. Also other colours are used, such as bright yellow to highlight the albums special features, as well as making it look like a sticker which fits the genre's 'do it yourself' style. A raimbow colour effect is used on the album title 'Tiger Suit' to give this prominence because of its importance as well as brightening up a plain cover. Finally the font used looks more hand written further suiting the genre and laid back feel the Digipak is trying to create.

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